all strands Adapting School Premises as Part of a Complex Pedagogical Change Programme This is a paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research in Porto 2014 by Pamela Woolner and Lucy Tiplady, Research Centre for Learning and Teaching, Newcastle University, UK. More
all strands Case study of Impacts, 2009 Evaluation Brief overview of some of the impacts of Open Futures. More
all strands Chiltern Primary demonstrates the impact of Open Futures Over a 3 year period Chiltern Primary saw improvements in reading, writing, SPAG, maths and R/W/M combined. Their presentation gives examples of how they used Open Futures to teach the National Curriculum. More
all strands Delivering on Key Agenda's 2008 This is an evaluation report from Newcastle University specifically looking at Open Futures and its synergy with government initiatives in 2008. Download
askit EEF Evaluation Report Education Endowment Foundation Philosophy for Children Evaluation Report and Executive Summary July 2015 (Durham University) More
all strands Evaluation 2007 - 2009 Summary of Findings A summary of the evaluation carried out by Newcastle University 2007 to 2009. More
all strands Newcastle University Evaluation Overview This report provides an overview of the Evaluation carried out by Newcastle University and the impacts on schools Open Futures worked with. Download
all strands Newcastle University Evaluation Summary 2011 - 2013 "This summary report reflects the findings from seven case study schools from the 2011 - 2013 Curriculum Partnership cohort, as well as findings from a further two schools that received initial training from 2008 - 2010 to investigate sustainability and trajectories of change within those schools." Download
all strands Newcastle University OF full Evaluation Report 2011 - 2013 "This evaluation uses a mixed methods approach (drawing on both quantitative and qualitative methods) to investigate the processes and outcomes of change within seven case study schools from the 2011- 2013 Curriculum Partnership cohort, as well as findings from a further two schools that received initial training from 2008 - 2010." Download
all strands Ofsted Report Curriculum Innovation in Schools A report published by Ofsted in October 2008, focusing on curriculum innovation in schools and the factors that contribute to its success. Download
all strands Open Futures - How it worked for the Wakefield MDC Partnership The 2008 to 2010 Wakefield Partnership saw the Open Futures approach to learning and teaching really consolidate its pedagogy and framework. More
askit Open Futures developed for primary education and its use in tertiary education "This paper was published in the Journal of Pedagogic Development Vol 5 Issue 1. It describes the Open Futures approach to Learning and how it was introduced into Central Bedfordshire College and the impact it has had on both staff and students." More
growit School gardening as a potential activity for improving science learning in primary schools. As the Open Futures project progressed, the evaluation found increasing evidence in several schools of an impact on science learning. More
all strands What Ofsted had to say Ofsted often mentioned Open Futures and Open Futures activity in their reports, here are some of their comments. Download