Mentoring Booklet

The askit mentor is a teacher, trained to Level 2 in askit or P4C, who takes the lead in furthering philosophical enquiry in a school or across a group of schools involved in an Open Futures network. If you take on the role of the mentor as described in this guide, you will be helping not only to enhance the professional skills of teachers but also the capacities of children to enquire, to learn and to answer their own questions about what to think and how to live.

askit has been developed with Open Futures, by SAPERE, the UK charity for Philosophy for Children also known as P4C. P4C is an approach to teaching and learning which has been developed over 30 years, and is now practised in 60 countries worldwide. Research has clearly established it as an effective way of raising academic achievement, enhancing pupils’ social, emotional and behavioural development, and realising creative potential with any age group, any ability, and in any subject.

Throughout this publication askit is used to refer to P4C in the context of Open Futures.

Mentoring Booklet (411.33 KB)