Open Futures Impact Data

Open Futures independent evaluation by The Centre for Teaching and Learning, Newcastle University - Director, Professor of Curriculum Innovation, David Leat. 38 teachers at schools taking part in the Open Futures pilot project responded to evaluation questions about the impact that the Open Futures Programme had on their class. They were asked to give their responses on a five-point scale.

1. Speaking and Listening

Over 70% (71.1%) of teachers responding to the survey question reported that Open Futures had a strong to very strong positive impact on the speaking and listening outcomes for pupils in their class.

2. Emotional

Over 80% (81.9%) of teachers responding to the survey question reported that Open Futures had a moderate to very strong positive impact on the emotional outcomes for their class.

3. Motivation

Over 95% (97.2%) of teachers responding to the survey question reported that Open Futures had a moderate to very strong positive impact on the motivation of pupils in their class.

4. Self Confidence

Over 95% (97.3%) of teachers responding to the survey question reported that Open Futures had a moderate to very strong positive impact on the self-confidence of pupils in their class.

5. Writing Skills

Over 84% (84.3%) of teachers responding to the survey question reported that Open Futures had a moderate to very strong positive impact on the writing skills of pupils in their class.

6. Life Skills

100% (100.0%) of teachers responding to the survey question reported that Open Futures had a moderate to very strong positive impact on the life skills of pupils in their class.

7. Science

Over 85% (86.4%) of teachers responding to the survey question reported that Open Futures had a moderate to very strong positive impact on the science outcomes for pupils in their class.

8. Technology

Over 60% (61.1%) of teachers responding to the survey question reported that Open Futures had a moderate to very strong positive impact on the technology outcomes for pupils in their class.

9. Numeracy

Nearly 70% (68.5%) of teachers responding to the survey question reported that Open Futures had a moderate to very strong positive impact on the numeracy outcomes for pupils in their class.