Children Evaluate the End of Pilot 2010 conference

The programme for the end of Pilot Conference 2010 was in development, and a conversation with East Preston Junior school led to an opportunity for some project-based learning. John Galvin, Deputy Head and Bob Pavard, Open Futures Curriculum Co-Ordinator saw an opportunity for the children to evaluate the conference.

John created a project using filmit with their year 6 pupils which ran over several weeks. The children had to understand evaluation and think about how they would carry out theirs and present their findings. They considered the task carefully and the different roles which would be needed. Having allocated roles, they researched the questions to ask participants, planned the style of the film, made and produced some 'filler' content to animate the final film.

John Galvin explained that filmmaking is not a stand-alone activity, and he uses it to embrace and enhance school subjects. It provides the opportunity to develop literacy, numeracy and ICT skills. Many other positive outcomes, including improved confidence, engagement and perseverance, as well as problem-solving and thinking skills, also come to the fore. Filmmaking involves children in learning how to research topics and how to process and organise their research using story boards. Throughout the process, learning, creativity and engagement are all substantially enhanced.
Every person present at the conference was deeply impressed with the confidence and self-assurance of these young students and their organisational skills as they worked throughout the conference. They applied a great mix of enthusiasm, technical ability and creative talent during the two-days to produce their conference evaluation film. The real magic was in the confidence of the children, the way they participated in the conference and the contributions made by their presence. They left all the participants with a sense of moral responsibility to continue to empower children to achieve.