askit askit Early Years Resources askit activities suitable for very young children in Nursery and reception. More
askit askit Early Years Strategies Strategies specifically for exploratory talk and playful puzzling with younger children. More
askit EEF Evaluation Report Education Endowment Foundation Philosophy for Children Evaluation Report and Executive Summary July 2015 (Durham University) More
askit Here's what Headteachers think… Enquiry- based Learning This film is one of a series of 'Talking Heads' films. In this film Headteachers talk about why enquiry-based learning is so powerful. More
askit Introducing askit and an enquiry-based approach to Learning and Teaching This short film introduces askit (P4C) the underpinning pedagogy of the Open Futures enquiry and skills based approach to learning and teaching. Join an askit session, see how it works and hear from the staff about how childrens questions are moving their thinking forwards. More
askit Open Futures developed for primary education and its use in tertiary education "This paper was published in the Journal of Pedagogic Development Vol 5 Issue 1. It describes the Open Futures approach to Learning and how it was introduced into Central Bedfordshire College and the impact it has had on both staff and students." More
askit The Open Futures askit Mentoring Guide The Guide explores the role of a mentor in supporting askit teaching across the whole school. More